Reservation request
During martial law, an enterprise, institution, or organization that has acquired the status of a mine action operator (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) may reserve conscripted employees in accordance with the procedure adopted by Resolution No. 76 of January 27, 2023 (as amended), which approves the procedure and criteria for classifying enterprises as critically important during a special period, as well as determining the procedure for reserving conscripted employees during martial law.
Before submitting documents, please carefully read the Resolution, as incorrectly completed documents are grounds for refusal to recognize an enterprise as critically important and to obtain reservation.
How can an operator reserve a conscripted employee?
Step 1: Recognition of the enterprise as critically important
The designation of an Operator as critically important for the functioning of the economy and ensuring the livelihood of the population during a special period is carried out by the central executive authority according to the relevant management sector and the national economy branch, in accordance with the criteria.
Step 2: Submit documents and a list of conscripted employees
- Once the Operator is recognized as critically important, it compiles lists of conscripted employees, indicating their personal records and other information in accordance with military registration documents. Samples of all required documents can be found in the Resolution.
- After completing all documents, the Operator submits them to the authority that recognized it as critically important.
Step 3: Approval of the lists
- The authority that received the documents from the Operator forwards them for approval to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (SBU, Foreign Intelligence Service, Defense Intelligence) within 5 working days, depending on where the employee is registered.
- The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (SBU, Foreign Intelligence Service, Defense Intelligence) approves the lists and sends the decision to the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.
- If the lists are approved, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine makes a decision on reservation and sends it to the Operator and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (SBU, Foreign Intelligence Service, Defense Intelligence). If the lists are not approved, the Operator is informed of the refusal of reservation.
- If the lists are approved, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine informs the territorial recruitment center.
- The Operator issues an extract from the reservation decision to the conscripted employee. The extract, certified by the manager’s signature and seal (if available), serves as a document confirming the granting of a deferral.